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2018. július 26., csütörtök

Úgy röhögök...:D

Kedves Lauri írt egy Supernova című dalt, ami már nem is tudom miről szól.😂
A She's a Bomb után persze semmin sem lepődnék meg már.

Mit is mondhatnék erre: stílusosan perverz?

Let us be honest
Is this what you wanted?
Don't be afraid to set it straight
Know that I'm just one step away
So, don't be modest
Come into the darkness
You know the rules they wanna buy
The moment you step out of the light

So much we could do
But I got just one thing on my mind
On my mind
I could hold it back
But this time I will go on all night
Go all night (all night)

I'm coming coming coming coming
I'm coming coming (all night)
Like a supernova
I'm coming coming coming coming
I'm coming coming

I'm coming
You'd better get on it
Let go of the chains and close your eyes
And I'm gonna launch you to the skies

Give into your body
Let go and you're ready
We are colliding satellites
And I'm gonna set my aim just right

So much we could do
But I got just one thing on my mind
On my mind
I could hold it back
But this time I will go on all night
Go all night (all night)